Tuesday, September 2, 2014

And the blogs begin!

Algebra 2 began their Math Blogs today. I learned a couple of things:

  1. Getting the ball rolling and getting out of the way is an ok way to teach. That is, there is nothing sacred in the students watching me, listening to me, and writing down everything I say for 55 minutes.
  2. I get a rush watching students individualize their work...and so do they!
  3. When you give a blog post prompt like, "something you may not know about me is..." you learn some amazing things about your students.
  4. Quiet students have the opportunity to be fully creative with the right digital format. 
Just a few things - I'm looking forward to this!

On a technical note, I do want to mention that I am using a Google Drive spreadsheet to list the blogs. I first made a form in Drive asking for name, period, and blog link. I embedded the form in the html of a schoology page that can be accessed from the Algebra 2 group page. That way all the data entry is sortable and, more importantly, taken care of already. 

Yay Google Drive! Yay Schoology!

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